Employer! We have what you are looking for!
Companies presentation
We invite companies that have a job offer or the possibility of organizing internships to present themselves to our students.
Skontaktuj się z Biurem Karier PAM, ustalimy dogodny dla obu stron termin spotkania. Zapewniamy promocję spotkania oraz niezbędny sprzęt.
Training and workshops
"If you're not moving forward, you're falling back." Our Students and Graduates are very eager to participate in trainings organized by Employers.
The undoubted advantage of these meetings is the opportunity to establish direct contacts with young specialists and learn about their competences.
Promotion of job offers
Oferty pracy naszych partnerów promujemy na stronie Biura Karier PAM oraz grupie Biuro Karier PAM na portalu Facebook. Możliwość dostępu do niej ma całe środowisko akademickie naszej Uczelni.
We also place advertising materials of companies on information boards in the building.

Where to send job offers?
In order to add a job / internship, please send:
requirements from the candidate, job description, deadline for submitting documents, etc. in PDF format to the following address:biurokarier@pam.poznan.pl