Undergraduate studies
We will prepare you for anything! Choose Administration at PAM and achieve your dream career!
online recruitmentbachelor's degree
The education concludes with a diploma examination
practical profile
Graduates of this program receive initial preparation for their professional career.
mode of study
We offer the Administration program in both full-time (day) and part-time (weekend) modes.
six semesters
The Administration program lasts six semesters (three years).
bachelor's degree
Kształcenie kończy się napisaniem pracy dyplomowej (licencjackiej) oraz egzaminem dyplomowym
practical profile
Graduates of this program receive initial preparation for their professional career.
mode of study
Kierunek administracja prowadzimy w obu trybach: stacjonarny ( dzienne) oraz niestacjonarny ( zaoczne)
six semesters
The Administration program lasts six semesters (three years).
Groups of professional subjects
Public administration
Prepares competent officials for work in public administration who understand the service-oriented nature of public administration. By providing high-quality education in administrative law, administrative procedures, the structure of local self-government, property management, civil matters, and local taxes, it prepares specialists and candidates for positions who are aware of the challenges facing modern administration.Public security
The graduate will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to work in institutions and organizational units dealing with broadly understood public safety and order. Through the conducted classes, students will become familiar with the public safety and order system in Poland and the European Union. The graduate understands the processes associated with ongoing social changes and, thanks to their knowledge of various fields of law, can function effectively in situations affecting the safety of people and property.Human resources management and social security
This specialization provides knowledge about the subject, conditions, significance, and evolution of human resource management. The graduate will learn the legal foundations and principles of the social insurance system in Poland, effective employee recruitment practices, maintaining personnel documentation in accordance with current legal regulations, and designing systems for employee evaluation, motivation, and compensation. Additionally, they will acquire knowledge in shaping HR policies and conducting personnel audits. The graduate will be prepared to address organizational and legal issues related to labor relations, workplace safety, social insurance, and administrative matters.Administration in education and health care
Choosing this group of specialized professional courses will allow the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for performing professional tasks related to administration in educational institutions and healthcare entities. The student will become familiar with the most important legal acts related to the functioning of these two extremely important social areas and their practical application.bachelor's degree
Kształcenie kończy się napisaniem pracy dyplomowej (licencjackiej) oraz egzaminem dyplomowym
practical profile
Graduates of this program receive initial preparation for their professional career.
mode of study
Kierunek administracja prowadzimy w obu trybach: stacjonarny ( dzienne) oraz niestacjonarny ( zaoczne)
six semesters
The Administration program lasts six semesters (three years).
Public Administration
This specialization prepares individuals for work in public administration structures. By providing high-quality education in areas such as administrative law and procedures, local government structure, real estate management, civic affairs, and local fees, it trains specialists and prospective officials who are aware of the challenges faced by modern administration.Public Safety and Order
This specialization is a challenge for responsible individuals who understand the essence of broad state security. Completing this specialization will enable students to effectively handle situations that impact the safety of people and property. Through the courses offered, students will become familiar with the public safety and order systems in Poland and the European Union. Graduates will understand the processes related to ongoing social changes and, with knowledge of various areas of law, will be able to operate confidently in situations affecting the safety of individuals and property.
What after graduation?What after Administration?
Check it out!
Our career office has analyzed the job market and suggests where Administration graduates are eagerly hired!