Public information bulletin
Get acquainted with the most important documents of Poznan Medical Academy named after Prince Mieszko I.
Adress: ul. Bułgarska 55, 60-320 Poznań
telephone. 61 646 03 70
NIP: 783 159 53 99
REGON: 300410823
1. Statut PAM (PDF 15MB)
2. Strategia Akademii (PDF 48,2 KB)
3. Strategia rozwoju 2025-2029 (4,39 MB)
4. Regulamin organizacyjny PAM (PDF 9,71 MB)
8. Regulations for the management of copyright, related rights and industrial property rights and commercialisation rules.(PDF 3,17 MB)
9. Organisation of the academic year 2023/2024 (PDF 258 KB)9. Notice of the increase in tuition fees (PDF 1,35 MB)
11. Organisation of the academic year 2024/2025 (PDF 275 KB)
12. Zaświadczenie z KRK i RSPnaTS - nowy obowiązek ustawowy dla studentów (PDF 360 KB)
13. Zarządzenie Rektora nr 15_2020_2021 w sprawie wprowadzenia procedur gwarantujących realizację polityki dostępności Uczelni (8,36 MB)
14. Наказ № 15_2020_2021 (8,02 MB)
Benefits and scholarships
Information for applicants for material assistance and scholarships at the Poznan Medical Academy named after Prince Wyatt I can be found in the tab "Stipends and discounts".

1. Regulamin świadczeń dla studentów (PDF 38,8 KB)
2. Załącznik nr 1 - Wniosek o stypendium socjalne (PDF 151 KB)
3. Annex 2 - Application for a Rector's scholarship (DOCX 37.3 KB)
4. Annex 3 - Application for a grant for people with disabilities (DOCX 22.7 KB)
5. Załącznik nr 4 - Wniosek o zapomogę (PDF 572 KB)
6. Certificate from the Tax Office about the amount of income (PDF 418 KB)
7. Appeal against the decision of the Scholarship Committee (PDF 195 KB)
8. Declaration on self-employment (PDF 523 KB)
9. Declaration of the income of a person who pays a flat-rate tax (PDF 410 KB)
10. Declaration of non-taxable income (PDF 241 KB)
11. Statement on the amount of health insurance premiums (PDF 405 KB)
12. Order of the Rector on granting benefits to students (PDF 852 KB)
13. Annex to the Rector's Order on the granting of benefits to students (PDF 337 KB)
1. Resolution setting out the conditions, mode, terms of recruitment and forms of study (PDF 438 KB)
2. Resolution setting out the conditions for recruitment to the medical branch in the academic year 2024/2025 (PDF 460 KB)
3. Resolution setting out the conditions for the start and end of recruitment 2024-2025 (767 KB)
4. Resolution setting out conditions for the start and end of recruitment 2025-2026 (PDF 699 KB)
5. Zarządzenie nr 16-2020-2021 (442 KB)
6. Regulamin Biura Obsługi Niepełnosprawnych (2,60MB)
1. Rules of conduct of internal anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policy on relations between PAM employees and students(PDF 5,43 KB)
1. Administracja I stopnia (profil praktyczny) 2024/2025 studia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne (ZIP 949 KB)
2. Pedagogy - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2023/2024 (ZIP 17.8 MB)
3. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2021/2022 Full-time studies. (ZIP 1.1 MB)
4. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Non-residential studies (ZIP 564 KB)
5. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 Full time studies (ZIP 564 KB)
6. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 Non-residential studies (ZIP 1.7 MB)
7. Medical rescue - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 (ZIP 7.1 MB)
8. Medical Rescue - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2020 (ZIP 7.1 MB)
9. Medical Rescue - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2019 (ZIP 7.2 MB)
10. Nursing - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 (ZIP 12.4 MB)
11. Nursing - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 (ZIP 12.4 MB)
12. Nursing - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2022/2023 (ZIP 12.4 MB)
13. Homeland Security - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Non-residential studies (ZIP 4.2 MB)
14. Homeland Security - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 Non-residential studies (ZIP 4.2 MB)
15. Philology - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2023/2024 Non-residential studies (ZIP 2.6 MB)
16. Cosmetology - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 (ZIP 374 KB)
17. Cosmetology - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 (ZIP 374 KB)
18. Cosmetology - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 (ZIP 394 KB)
19. Physical Education - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2023/2024 (ZIP 3.2 MB)
20. Physical education - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2022/2023 (ZIP 3.2 MB)
21. Physical education - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 (ZIP 3.2 MB)
1. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Full-time studies (ZIP 623 KB)
2. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 Full-time studies (ZIP 623 KB)
3. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2022/2023 Full-time study (ZIP 623 KB)
4. Nursing - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 Permanent studies (ZIP 623 KB)
5. Pedagogy - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Full-time studies (ZIP 2.3 MB)
6. Pedagogy - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 Full-time studies (ZIP 2.3 MB)
7. Pedagogy - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2022/2023 Full-time studies (ZIP 2.3 MB)
1. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 Non-residential studies (ZIP 2.9 MB)
2. Administration - 3-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Non-residential studies (ZIP 3.1 MB)
3. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 Partial studies (ZIP 2.5 MB)
4. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2018 Partial studies (ZIP 2.5 MB)
5. Administration - 3-year degree program (practical profile) 2018/2017 Non-residential studies (ZIP 2.5 MB)
1. Administracja II stopnia (profil praktyczny) 2024 2025 studia niestacjonarne (ZIP 1,74 MB)
2. Administration - HR management in administration - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 (ZIP 3.5 MB)
3. Administration - HR management in administration - 2-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 (ZIP 3.5 MB)
4. Administracja - Administracja w systemie organów ochrony prawnej - Program 2-letnich studiów II stopnia (profil praktyczny) 2020/2021 (ZIP 3,6 MB)
5. Administration - Administration in the system of legal protection bodies - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2019/2020
6. Administration - Internal Audit - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 (ZIP 4.1 MB)
7. Administration - Internal Audit - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2019/2020 (ZIP 4.1 MB)
8. Administration - Security and Public Order - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 (ZIP 2.9 MB)
9. Administration - Security and Public Order - 2-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 (ZIP 3.9 MB)
10. Pedagogy - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2023/2024 (ZIP 3.4 MB)
11. Nursing - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) (ZIP 1.12 MB)
1. Administration - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2021/2022 Non-residential studies (ZIP 3.1 MB)
2. Administration - 2-year degree programme (practical profile) 2020/2021 Non-residential studies (ZIP 3.1 MB)
3. Administration - 2-year degree program (practical profile) 2019/2020 Non-stationary studies (ZIP 934 KB)
1. Lekarski - Harmonogram realizacji programu studiów - edycja 2024-2030 (52,3 MB)
2. Lekarski - Harmonogram realizacji programu studiów - edycja 2023-2029 (44,5 MB)
3. Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna - Program 5-letnich studiów (profil praktyczny) 2023/2024 (3,47 MB)
4. Psychology - 5-year programme of studies (practical and academic profile) (ZIP 70.1 MB)
5. Law - 5-year programme of studies (practical and academic profile) (ZIP 3.1 MB)
6. Fizjoterapia - Program 5-letnich studiów (profil praktyczny) (RAR 91,2 MB)
Designs of diplomas
Date of introduction of the model for legal trading: 1.03.2022r.
Release date: 1.03.2022r.
Shelf life: indefinitely
Date of completion of the release of the documentthe given template: -

First degree studies
1. Senate resolution-download
2. Model diploma -
3. 2. Description of security -download
Second degree studies
1. Senate resolution-download
2. Model diploma -
3. 2. Description of security -download
Unified Master's Degrees
1. Senate resolution- download
2. Model diploma
3. 2. Description of security -download
Postgraduate studies
1. Senate resolution-download
2. Model testimony -download
3. 2. Description of security - download
Designs of diplomas
Date of placing the design on the legal market: ...
Start date of publication of the document of the given model: ...
Shelf life: indefinitely
Date of completion of the release of the document of the given template: -